“I’d always prefer to sit inside the rooms with aircon on a laptop or PSP rather than going out.”
As someone married to an Asian man, let me tell you something. The problem wasn’t that you were white-washed or trying to live up to white standards (or whatever thinly veiled anti-white biased reason) it’s that you had immersed yourself in a very emasculating culture of gaming and anime.
Doesn’t matter what your skin color is or if you’re the majority ethnicity in your country, gamers / Trekkies / Bronies / anime fans tend to be looked at as losers. Fan girling over childish things or the accomplishments of other men (like sports fans) is attention-seeking and emasculating. Both men and women, even on a subconscious level, are turned off to weak-acting men.
So shock of shocks, once you got off the computer and began living in reality, you met a girl. It had nothing to do with embracing your Asian-ness or rejecting “whiteness” and everything to do with not spending time consuming garbage media. In other words, you got some game.
So again, you aren’t white-washed, you’re an American — an Asian man with a different culture than your family overseas. Your American-ness wasn’t the problem, gaming & anime were the problem.