Jesus is not your president, Jesus is King

Rachel N. Stephens
4 min readApr 27, 2020


Jesus is King. He doesn’t derive His authority from you.

Democracy and Republics came from pagan Rome & Greece.

Ancient Israel was ruled by kings. Unfortunately, rather than following God as their king, they begged for human kings.

Jesus is King and His throne is established forever.


Satan told Adam and Eve that they could be like god, in the Garden of Eden.

The more I read the Bible, the more democracy (and the American constitutional republic) looks like Satan’s promise to Adam & Eve, “you will be like God.” (Genesis 3:5)

“You don’t have to answer to authority, you’re in charge. Those in authority derive their authority from you! If you don’t like what they say, you can take them out of office.”


Many of the major Founding Fathers were freemasons, occultists, and deists, like the first president, George Washington.

Remember, America’s “Founding Fathers and famous patriots” were largely a group of Freemasons, occultists and deists.

Thomas Jefferson, the writer of the Declaration of Independence, made his Jefferson Bible, by physically cutting out all of Jesus’ miracles and anything supernatural, including the resurrection.

Thomas Paine, writer of Common Sense, rejected his Quaker religious roots before abandoning Christianity to ascribe to deism, prior to writing The Age of Reason, calling Christianity a “fable.”

And that’s just two examples.

Despite this, US Christians breathlessly quote these men as if their words are more authoritative than scripture and backed by Jesus Christ Himself.


The Revolutionary War wasn’t fought over religion, but taxes. People fleeing religious persecution began coming to the American continent almost 300 years before the Revolutionary War was fought. Many people living in the colonies at that time were born there and had family there before them for generations. Today, it would be like having a war in the next 50 years and claiming it had something to do with gaining Independence from Britain. Absolute nonsense!


Jesus is King, not a president. Everything belongs to Him, even your life. Everything you have, including your kids, is His. What you have you are simply entrusted with it for the time being at the behest and pleasure of Jesus.

The people in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, were familiar with how kings worked. Today, at best, Westerners are only familiar with figurehead monarchies. Jesus is an absolute monarch. What He says goes.

Just as God instituted marriage as a picture of Jesus and the Church, so too do we see kingdoms as a picture of how God runs His government.

I truly believe we have so much double-mindedness in the Church today because Christians treat Jesus like a president who answers to them, rather than a King who owns their very life.


Which brings me to a very important point I want to bring up, in light of parents risking their children’s health by dragging them to health protests during a pandemic. Parents, you don’t get to choose to sacrifice your kid in the name of your personal freedoms.

The Canaanites put their babies into the fire, the Spartans left their babies to die of exposure.

Many people are familiar with Queen Elizabeth II. Her newest great-grandchild, Archie, belongs not to Meghan or Harry, his parents. It is the Queen who retains legal custody of Archie.

Likewise, your kid belongs to King Jesus, you’re entrusted to care for and raise that kid in the Lord until He returns. You’re the caretaker, but the children belong to the King. You don’t get to sacrifice God’s children or put them in danger to make a political statement, whether you birthed them or not.

You Serve At the Behest And Pleasure Of King Jesus

So let me say this again loud and clear, Jesus is King, be a good steward of the things and people He has given you charge over, at His behest and pleasure. Never forget He can take it all away in an instant.

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  1. Originally posted to the YouTube community tab on April 26, 2020.



Rachel N. Stephens
Rachel N. Stephens

Written by Rachel N. Stephens

Host of #CrackYourBible, a weekly Christian apologetics show on YouTube, based in Las Vegas, Nevada. All posts are also posted, in full, on

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