Save Yourself A Holiday Headache By Scrapping This Practice At Work

Rachel N. Stephens
4 min readDec 8, 2022
I don't want to buy another Starbucks gift card for a coworker.

In a country that prides itself on being a melting pot of cultures, beliefs and ideas, there’s one thing you don’t do — ignore Christmas.

In the US, everyone is expected to love and celebrate Christmas, even in a secular way, regardless of your religion or cultural beliefs.

It never ceases to amaze me how thoughtless people can be during, “the most wonderful time of the year.”

Cut this Christmas Custom

Don't assume anyone celebrates your holidays because they dress like you. Photo by Microsoft 365 on Unsplash

If you’re in charge in any capacity at work or professional organizations (or at a school) please stop with Secret Santas.

While this should be news to nobody, not everyone observes either the Catholicized Yule / Commercialized Yule holiday known as Christmas.

Nobody should be forced to disclose their financial situation, let alone their religious (or non religious) beliefs to a superior at work to try to gracefully bow out of participating in festivities on company property / time.

Thoughtlessness Breeds Contempt

I don't want to be helpful when you disregard me.
Photo by Raychan on Unsplash

Throughout the years I’ve sat in on meetings where NOBODY asked if anyone didn’t want to be included or if anyone did not observe this holiday. Aside from the fact it can lead to hurt feelings or a discrimination lawsuit, it’s such a thoughtless act to not even consider that other people don’t participate in the holidays that you do.

It's an abuse of position to coerce subordinates into participating in things like Secret Santa - because people always get personally offended when you tell them that you don't observe. I know this because I don't observe Christmas and it took years to get to the point where even my family didn't expect me to participate to some degree.

Halloween Secret Santa

Stop putting subordinates into awkward positions.
Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

Before I continue, no, I'm not Jehovah's Witness.

Growing up, my family never observed Halloween. I didn't go to school on Halloween until Sophomore year of high school so that I wouldn't be forced to participate in Halloween class parties. I still remember in middle school how stressed I was because my English teacher decided to throw a Halloween Secret Santa (?!)

Not only was money tight at home, as always, but as a kid I didn't want to tell my dad that I had to buy a Halloween present for some random kid in my class, because my dad lives for the drama of going to complain at my school. Instead I saved up the wrapped candy we received as prizes for answering questions in various classes, turned it into my teacher the day before Halloween and told her to give it to my Halloween Secret Santa because I wouldn't be at school the next day. She forgot to give it to him and he was mean thinking I slighted him. Once Christmas Secret Santa rolled around, I got a half eaten and still wet candy cane on my desk.

This all could have been avoided if my thoughtless teacher hadn't instituted a ridiculous Secret Santa for minor students who have no agency.

Be Culturally Competent

We're here to get paid, not party because the boss has no friends.
Photo by Redd F on Unsplash

I am very proud of my younger sister for instituting a no holiday decor / celebration at work policy once she got into upper management at her work so they don't have to deal with thoughtless people roping subordinates into uncomfortable positions during these times.

Remember, employees, colleagues and students aren’t your friends or second family. They’re required to be around you.

If you want to celebrate any holiday, use your day off and celebrate with the people that already voluntarily spend time with you.

Save yourself money, time and headaches by skipping the forced gift giving and holiday celebrations that come along with Secret Santas.



Rachel N. Stephens

Host of #CrackYourBible, a weekly Christian apologetics show on YouTube, based in Las Vegas, Nevada. All posts are also posted, in full, on